The armour is not a customization option, but an item called the Resistance Kevlar Armor, which becomes obsolete the moment a better model is researched. The idea had a lot of potential, giving players the choice to try to rebuild the organization that was steamrolled by the aliens 20 years past using the same outfits and bringing a veteran soldier to the fight, but it is very much an early-game only deal. Related: Read our XCOM: Chimera Squad review It’s meant to be a throw-back to XCOM 1 that adds four ‘resistance’ armours based around the old Enemy Unknown design - including a vest-covered sweater reminiscent of Central/Bradford’s outfit in XCOM 2 and the standard armour from the first game - alongside an additional rookie recruit meant to represent a veteran soldier that fought in the first war, sporting a slightly battered XCOM armour and a unique flattop hair.
Originally a pre-order bonus, the Resistance Warrior Pack is a textbook example of an interesting concept ruined by a cynical execution. War of the Chosen: Tactical Legacy Pack.Here is a quick summary of all of the XCOM 2 DLC released to date: Without further ado, here’s our complete guide to all of the XCOM 2 DLC available, with specific segments on how various bits fit in (or don’t) with the War of the Chosen expansion. When it comes to XCOM 2 DLC, not everyone takes the time to explain how different parts of the library interact together – which is where we come in. It also largely displaced much of the content that had been released before hand.

With this release, XCOM 2 was pushed to its limit with new features missions, enemies, and classes shoved into every hole. However, one of the game’s best expansions – XCOM 2: War of the Chosen – has caused more than a few niggles. But in the years that followed the studio has managed to pull it together with later expansions being a lot more on par with what we’d want for such an excellent turn-based strategy game. Upon release, the pre-order bonus and day one content were subject to heavy flak. Firaxis has a decent track record when it comes to making add-ons, but the XCOM 2 DLC run initially suffered from a few bad apples.